Ohio Ethics Commission Information

  • O.E.C. Financial Disclosure
    • The Ohio Ethics law requires certain elected officials, candidates for elected offices, public employees, and appointees to public positions to annually file a financial disclosure statement with the Ohio Ethics Commission.
  • O.E.C. Who files? (click for complete list)
    • Elected officials and candidates for state office, city and county offices.
    • Elected or appointed board members and candidates for school board or educational service center governing board in districts/ESCs with a total student count of 12,000 or more
    • Appointees to unexpired terms in any of these elected offices;

Joint Legislative Ethics Committee

Judicial Candidate Information

Question’s & Issues Information

Forms & Petitions

Filing Policy and Common Problems with Petitions:

  • The filing policy and a list of frequently asked questions and common problems my be picked up when pulling petitions.