What’s on the ballot?

Once the ballots are ready you can click on “What’s On My Ballot?” and you will taken to a page where you can type in your last and first name. Click on the “submit” button and you will see a link for “Sample Ballot”. When you click on that link you will be taken to a PDF (portable document format) which will show your ballot. Everything you are eligible to vote on will be on that ballot.

Where do I vote?

Not sure where you vote? The following  help you find the correct precinct and polling location for your current address.


Where can I look up my absentee ballot status?


Finding My Elected Officials

Find the elected officials by precinct or district by clicking here. A person can also locate every elected official that represent them by going here.

Where can I get voter lists or labels?


Where can I create absentee labels


Complete List of All Our Enhanced Website Features

Voter Lookup Search – https://lookup.boe.ohio.gov/vtrapp/allen/vtrlookup.aspx

Absentee Lookup Search – https://lookup.boe.ohio.gov/vtrapp/allen/avlookup.aspx

Polling Place Search – https://lookup.boe.ohio.gov/vtrapp/allen/pollfinder.aspx

Ballot List Display – https://lookup.boe.ohio.gov/vtrapp/allen/ballotlist.aspx

Voter Report Generation – https://lookup.boe.ohio.gov/vtrapp/allen/vtrreport.aspx

Absentee Report Generation – https://lookup.boe.ohio.gov/vtrapp/allen/avreport.aspx

Precinct and Polling Location Display – https://lookup.boe.ohio.gov/vtrapp/allen/precandpoll.aspx

Street Report Generation – https://lookup.boe.ohio.gov/vtrapp/allen/streetreport.aspx

Elected Officials Display  – https://lookup.boe.ohio.gov/vtrapp/allen/cnm.aspx